Diadrom Software

One Stop Shop for Diagnostics Software

The promise and ambition from Diadrom Software is to be a trustworthy development partner and support for our customers throughout their projects.

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Autotech Bootloader

Embedded Software Components

A stand-alone Bootloader implemented according to a PBL/SBL concept.

Diadrom Autotech Bootloader is lightweight and highly customizable for the customer needs. Diadrom Autotech Bootloader has been developed during several software development and production projects for different Tier 1 and OEM customers in the automotive industry.



Embedded Software Components

The Cyber Security Stack for Autotech.

Diadrom Encrypt is an Embedded Software Component that implements customer specific Cyber Security Concepts. In today’s vehicles, the requirements for a robust Cyber Security implementation is of great importance. Diadrom Encrypt integrates modern Cyber Security algorithms to work within proprietary processes (e.g. SecurityAccess, validity and authenticity of software, secure software download).


Diag Com Stack

Embedded Software Components

Embedded Software Component designed to handle the on-board communication of ECUS together with the basic diagnostic services in compliance with ISO14229.

Diadrom Diagnostic Communication Stack is an Embedded Software Component designed to handle the on-board communication of ECUs together with basic diagnostics in a modern vehicle.



Software Systems

Verification Tool used to run Fully Automated Testing.

One of the most important challenges in product development today is the shortening of lead times. To increase the pace of development an agile process is often implement, where development and verification can be carried out in parallel. Diadrom Dolphin is an important component of Diadrom’s Embedded Software development tool chain and is used by Agile teams around the world.


Diag Studio

Software Systems

Off-board diagnostics system product suit.

Diadrom Diag Studio enables an Agile method for the development and refinement of the Diagnostic features. It should be possible to verify the Diagnostic features at all stages from early development up until it is ready for serial production. The continuous Diagnostics Engineering can improve the support of the product throughout its entire Life Cycle.

Autotech is a revolution of our society

Autotech will change the world more drastically than even the PC and the Web have. The autonomous and connected vehicle will change how we perceive transport and travelling, and thereby fundamentally change both industry and society as a whole. Fundamental to Autotech are strict requirements on quality, environmental impact, unit cost, bandwidth and product life.