
White Paper Library

Diadrom Diagnostic Book (Swedish)

Att utveckla, producera och underhålla flexibla mjukvarubaserade kapitalprodukter med hög tillgänglighet

Fredrik Ljungberg (Ph.D.) & Henrik Fagrell (Ph.D.)

Picture of the Diadrom Diagnostic book in swedish
diadrom autotech bootloader product picture

Diadrom Autotech Bootloader Product Information

Diadrom delivers the Diadrom Autotech Bootloader (DAB) for usage in ECUs


The aim is to keep the bootloader as lightweight as possible, in
order to avoid unnecessary complexity and achieve a robust
bootloader, but still have a modular design where the
implementation can be adapted to support multiple hardware
platforms and protocols.

Diadrom Autotech Bootloader Product Information

Diadrom delivers the Diadrom Autotech Bootloader (DAB) for usage in ECUs


The aim is to keep the bootloader as lightweight as possible, in
order to avoid unnecessary complexity and achieve a robust
bootloader, but still have a modular design where the
implementation can be adapted to support multiple hardware
platforms and protocols.

diadrom autotech bootloader product picture

A new addition to the hardware abstraction layer



With rising cyber security demands in automotive software, Diadrom uses Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to improve data verification and encryption. This approach simplifies integration, enhances security, and maintains flexibility across different hardware platforms, ensuring a robust and efficient solution.

hardware abstraction layer whitepaper
diadrom autotech bootloader product picture

Secure Boot and Software Download with Diadrom Autotech Bootloader

Solving Your Firmware Upgrade and System Maintenance Headaches with the Diadrom Autotech Bootloader


The Diadrom Autotech Bootloader is a Software Solution designed to streamline the process of updating and maintaining the firmware of automotive electronic control units (ECUs). It provides a secure and efficient way to install and verify new firmware versions, helping to ensure that vehicles are running on the latest and most reliable software.