Tobias Rasmusson, one of Diadrom most senior co-workers, have successfully contributed to the upcoming release of Wireshark.

“A week ago I submitted my DoIP (ISO 13400-2) dissector to the Wireshark open source project. And yesterday it was accepted and merged. It feels great having contributed to this amazing application. With DoIP as an integrated part of Wireshark you no longer have to use a plugin to dissect this protocol.” – Tobias Rasmusson

Furthermore, Diadrom have used  Wireshark and Tobias dissector in Diadrom Dolphin and other successful projects. 

Finally, Diadrom would like to congratulate Tobias for his achievement in this open source project.


Diadrom är det ledande mjukvarubolaget inom Diagnostik av Autotech

Diadrom levererar produkter och tjänster inom diagnostik för Autotech och möjliggör därigenom för företag att realisera och exploatera större potential i sina produkter och tjänster.

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